- WHO Colaborating Center in Aging and Health, Sealy Center on Aging, University of Texas, Medical Branch, USA
- WHO Collaborating Centre in Gerontological Nursing Education, New York University, USA
- WHO Collaborating Centre in Public Health and Aging, Research Center in Longevity, Ageing and Health (CITED), CUBA
- WHO Collaborating Centre for Nutrition and Health, University of Athens Medical School, GREECE
- WHO Collaborating Centre for mental health workforce development, Institute of Mental Health, SERBIA
- WHO Collaborating Centre for Vulnerable Population and Environment Health, National Institute of Environmental Research, REPUBLIC OF KOREA [English website]
- WHO Collaborating Centre for Palliative care, policy and rehabilitation, King's College London, UK
- WHO Collaborating Centre on Ageing, Globalization and Urbanization, New York Academy of Medicine, USA
- WHO Collaborating Centre in Geriatrics and Gerontology Education, Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social, COSTA RICA
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Last updated 22nd July 2016